Минималистични CSS Фреймуърк



Име Минимум Размер Смъкване Лиценз
Atatonic 5.1 KiB (minified) http://code.google.com/p/atatonic-css-framwork/ MIT
Base 2.95 KiB (minified + gzipped) https://github.com/matthewhartman/base MIT
Bijou 1.065 KiB (minified and gzipped) https://github.com/andhart/bijou MIT
Cardinal 4.25 KiB (minified and gzipped) https://github.com/cbracco/cardinal MIT
Cascade Framework 10.6 KiB (all modules) https://github.com/jslegers/cascadeframework MIT
Cascade Framework Light 2.0 KiB (all modules) https://github.com/jslegers/cascadeframeworklight MIT
Concrete 3.2 KiB https://github.com/davidlumley/concrete MIT
iceCream 1.8 Kib (minified) http://html5-ninja.com/icecream/ WTFPL
KNACSS 13.2 KiB (all modules) https://github.com/raphaelgoetter/KNACSS WTFPL
Kube 15.2 KiB https://github.com/sashka/kube Unknown
Min 0.9 KiB (minified and gzipped) https://github.com/owenversteeg/min MIT
Mistype 2.1 KiB https://github.com/ZDroid/mistype MIT
PocketGrid 0.5 KiB https://github.com/arnaudleray/pocketgrid MIT
Pure 4.3 KiB (gzipped) https://github.com/yui/pure BSD
RocketCSS 6.4 KiB https://github.com/RocketCSS/RocketCSS MIT
Simple Grid 1.1 KiB https://github.com/ThisIsDallas/Simple-Grid Unknown
Toast 1.2 KiB https://github.com/daneden/Toast Unknown

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